NWRC complies with the Washington State Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW, a law that allows you to review government records.
Public records include documents in all formats, whether electronic or paper, that relate to governmental operations or conduct. All NWRC documents are considered public records and are subject to public review unless a law specifically exempts them.
Public Records
Under RCW 42.17.020(36), all information and documents prepared, used, generated, owned, or kept to conduct business in any format or medium, including electronic data is subject to disclosure. Public records include client records and may include confidential information that is exempt or protected from disclosure to the general public.
Records Exempt from Disclosure
Exemptions are listed in the Public Records Act, while others are found elsewhere in Washington and Federal law. Many of the exemptions are designed to protect privacy rights and legitimate business interests.
Record Retention
NWRC follows the requirements of Chapter 40.14 RCW and retains records for different lengths of time depending on the content, function, and purpose of the record. The records retention schedules, approved by the state and local records committees and published by the Office of the Secretary of State – Washington State Archives, establish the time frames for records retention, archiving, and destruction.